Fallen Ottoman soldiers following the counter-offensive in the Third Attack on Anzac Cove during the Battle of Gallipoli,


Fallen Ottoman soldiers following the counter-offensive in the Third Attack on Anzac Cove during the Battle of Gallipoli, May 24, 1915.

Today 109 years ago, on May 19, 1915, the Third Attack on Anzac Cove began, an Ottoman counter-attack during the Battle of Gallipoli. 

Anzac Cove is located on the northwestern part of the Gallipoli peninsula, where ANZAC forces (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) initially landed on April 25, 1915.

The Ottomans had attempted to retake the Anzac Cove twice beforehand in late April, but to no avail. It was figured just a limited Ottoman victory would force the Allies back to the sea. Now a third, more thoroughly planned attack would take place.

The ensuing attack on Anzac Cove would be launched on May 19, 1915 by 4 Ottoman Divisions, some 42,000 soldiers. Defending Anzac Cove were some 17,300 Australian and New Zealand soldiers of the 2 ANZAC Divisions.

In order to maintain secrecy, the Ottomans would not precede the attack by a long artillery bombardment, although on May 18 the Ottomans bombarded the Anzac Cove for 7 hours.

However, this preliminary bombardment alerted the ANZAC defenders, and naval planes confirmed the amassing of Ottoman troops in the trenches at Anzac Cove. At 3:30 AM on May 19, 1915, the Ottoman forces rose from their trenches and attacked the Anzac Cove.


The ANZAC defenders opened fire at the advancing Ottomans. The Ottomans suffered severe losses from enfilade and machine-gun fire, which prevented them from advancing. The Ottomans who did reach the ANZAC trenches were killed and beaten back by counter-attacks in hand-to-hand combat. The Ottoman attacks continued until around 10 AM, when it was clear the attack had failed.

In the Third Attack on Anzac Cove the Ottomans had suffered some 10,000 casualties among 3,000 deaths. The ANZACs had suffered "just" 636 casualties with 168 deaths. On May 20 and May 24, truces were declared to collect the wounded and dead from the battlefield.

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